Sara Bowe, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

Main Services
Individual Adult Therapy, Couples

Perfectionists, Healers, Entrepreneurs, Trauma, Life Transitions, Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, Anxiety, OCD, Self-esteem, Women’s Issues

Couples: Premarital education, relationship stress and distress

Therapy Influences
Modern Psychodynamic/Insight Orientated, Narrative, CBT, ERP, Cognitive Processing Therapy (trauma)

Monday and Tuesday, Virtual Night Therapy (8-10pm)
Wednesday/Thursday, In-Person (10am-4pm)
Friday, Virtual (8am-12pm)

Booking 1 month out

Out of Pocket, Superbill, Optum (most United Healthcare, UMR, and Medica plans), Security Health (not all SH plans accepted)

Private Pay Rate:
Please inquire

Likely a good fit if…..

✔ You’re motivated to dig deep

✔ You want insight into why you do/feel how you do

✔ You are open to being challenged with care

✔ You and a partner are leaning into making a relationship stronger or healing from relationship adversity

May not be a great fit if…..

✘ You are looking to build skills or change behavior without looking at the ‘why’

✘ You are not sure if you are committed to feeling better yet

✘ You are looking for a hype-person ONLY (don’t want the feedback with the hype)

✘ You are ambivalent about your current relationship (seek a counselor trained in Discernment)

Meet Sara Bowe

  • Many people state that I understand them at a level that they have never felt before. There is no crystal ball here- just a love for understanding why people do what they do!

  • The more open you can be with your therapist often results in the higher levels of healing you can achieve. This includes letting a therapist know what you think/feel about their responses. This allows skilled therapists the chance to better understand your patterns while also continuing to take ownership for their own learning process!

  • I have always had a desire to help people learn and heal. Prior to getting my therapy license I was an elementary school teacher. I found myself caring more about creating kind humans then teaching academics and went back to school to follow my passion. I have also always wanted to be a business owner and combined my dreams!

  • I struggled with unrelenting standards for myself growing up that became a breeding ground for anxiety, questioning my likability in relationships, and symptoms of OCD. Gaining insight into my patterns has been transformational in helping me find peace, confidence, and self-compassion. I really enjoy helping other people reach insight into their own life to feel more comfortable with who they are, reduce shame, reduce overwhelm, and become comfortable stepping into their own natural power.

  • We are big readers at Uplift! I recommend “Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents” by Lindsay Gibson. I also think that all couples would benefit from reading the book “Fight Right” by Julie and John Gottman.

  • My challenge for self is taking time to rest without guilt creeping in telling me to be more productive.

Ready to book with Sara?